Adopted 3 August 2000 and modified
2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and January 2025. IVS Bylaws originally compiled by Dwight Pounds, Henry Janzen, and Uta Lenkewitz-von Zahn.
a. Name, Location, Language, and Currency
The name of the organization shall be the International Viola Society (IVS), Society for the Advancement of Viola Performance and Research. The IVS is a non-profit international organization registered in New Zealand and the successor to a non- profit organization in Germany under the name of International Viola-Gesellschaft, e.V. The seat of the IVS will be in the country of its duly elected president. The official language of the Society is English and the official currency is Euro.
b. Mission Statement
The International Viola Society is the umbrella organization that represents and defends its International Viola Society members independently existing, and any future Viola Society, according to their singular as well as collective values, with the aim to promote and support activities that serve the common good for all friends of the viola worldwide.
c. Purposes
The objectives of the IVS include:
Promote ever-increasing standards of excellence in viola performance through the annual congresses and associated competitions.
Encourage and support research in the history of the viola, its performers, teachers, makers, and composers.
Lobby and influence publishers to publish music and books relevant to the viola.
Authorize, organize, and coordinate the annual International Viola congresses. Aid and support the host Section and organizers of the annual congress.
Support the mission of the Primrose International Viola Archive (PIVA) and facilitate the exchange and availability of materials. Promote the periodic publication of an index of holdings such as the Zeyringer lexicon, Literatur für Viola.
Assist in the exchange of information and professional contact between friends of the viola through publications of news containing information regarding viola related events, such as competitions, concerts, newly-released recordings, and publications; facilitate the exchange of Section news and journals.
Encourage the building of new, high quality instruments and bows through display at annual congresses.
Encourage the development of new viola repertoire through performance in recitals at congresses and competitions and promoting the publication of new music.
Encourage and promote viola events and activities in regions not represented by member sections of the IVS, thereby promoting the development of new IVS member sections.
Encourage viola sections in professional orchestras all over the world to organize themselves on national and international levels.
The permanent bodies that constitute the structure of the International Viola Society are the Assembly of Delegates, the IVS Board, and the Auditor(s).
a. The Assembly of Delegates
1. Composition
The Assembly of Delegates consists of representatives of sections with IVS membership and is the highest-ranking body of the IVS.
2. Protocols
a) The Assembly of Delegates meets annually, normally coinciding with annual viola congresses. Meetings are scheduled and an agenda published six weeks in advance by the IVS President. Section Presidents will receive personal invitations. Each section is permitted one official representative or delegate with one vote from the section. However, Sections whose yearly contribution is above that of most other Sections due to the number of their paying membership, will get a second vote. The IVS Board can periodically update the amount.
b) Voting may also take place during the year in between annual congresses, which will be conducted via e-mail or other digital means. There will be a deadline for these votes, after expiry, the vote is calculated as positive, allowing the board to proceed with implementation of the decision.
c) A simple majority of votes cast by the authorized delegates who attend the meeting determines most decisions rendered by the Assembly of Delegates. If there is a tie, the tie will be broken by the President, except in cases of elections of officers, in which case the tie will be broken by the IVS Board.
d) Two decisions require a two-thirds majority of the votes of the delegates in attendance. These include:
(1). any decision to change the BYLAWS and
(2). the decision to dissolve the IVS.
3. Tasks
The Assembly of Delegates has the following tasks:
a) to elect and discharge the IVS Board of the Society specifically for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.
b) to approve the minutes of the preceding Assembly meeting and Treasurer’s report
c) to reach decisions regarding the Society’s economic and working plans.
d) to pass bills regarding the Society’s order of business and order of elections
e) to ratify or reject the recommendation of the IVS Board regarding acceptance or rejection of an application of a Section for membership.
b. The IVS Board
1. Composition
The IVS Board will consist of a President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and may include two Executive Secretaries and other representatives according to agreements. Four different sections must be represented on the IVS Board, not more than two representatives from the same section.
2. Terms of Office and General Guidelines
a) IVS Board elections will be held every three years. This election should be coordinated with section elections if possible or practical.
b) Every effort should be made to have at least two highly qualified nominees on the ballot for each office. The preliminary ballot should be sent to each section President prior to the election.
c) Officers of the IVS Board are expected to make every effort within reason to attend International Viola Congresses, in addition to scheduled and called meetings. Sources of funding to attend congresses and meeting could include:
• IVS funds (travel assistance from IVS funds limited to a total maximum of 30% of the IVS annual income may be granted to IVS officers upon request, after having exhausted all other possibilities)
• the officers’ home section funds where possible
• employer or governmental contribution
• the officers’ personal funds
d) In case of death, disability, or resignation by an IVS Board officer, the other officers will appoint a successor to complete the term of office. See B.5.b. the Vice-President and B.5.c. the Past President.
e) Members of the IVS Board shall receive no private pecuniary gain but be paid reasonable remuneration for costs incurred. This clause may not be altered while the account is held in The the Netherlands.
Board: decision-making
The board may only pass resolutions in a meeting if the majority of the board is either present or represented. A board member may be represented at a meeting by another board member after a written proxy has been issued, which is deemed sufficient at the discretion of the chairperson of the meeting. A board member can only act as an authorized representative for one other board member.
If the majority of the board members are not present or represented at a meeting, a second meeting will be convened, to be held no earlier than two and no later than four weeks after the first meeting. In this second meeting, irrespective of the number of directors present or represented, decisions can be taken on the subjects that were placed on the agenda at the first meeting. The notice convening the second meeting must state this and explain why a resolution can be adopted irrespective of the number of board members present or represented. All reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that all members can participate.
As long as a majority of board members are present at a meeting, valid resolutions can be passed on all matters discussed, provided that they are unanimous, even if the regulations for calling and holding meetings are not applicable.
Board decisions may be submitted in writing instead of in person. Voting may take place electronically. When making a decision in this way, all board members must be made aware of the decision to be made.
The board can also make decisions outside a meeting. The secretary will draw up a report of a decision thus taken, which will be kept as minutes after co-signing by the president.
Each board member has the right to cast one vote.
a) Board resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the valid votes cast. In the event of a tie, the president has the right to break the tie.
All votes in a meeting are oral, unless one or more board members require a written vote before the vote. Written voting takes place by unsigned, anonymous notes.
Blank votes are considered not to have been cast. In all disputes regarding voting, the chair of the meeting decides.
3. Eligibility and Restrictions to Election of Office
a) The President and Vice-President may not be permanent residents of the same geographical area. These geographical areas are currently recognized as; Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, North America, and South America.
b) President: Any person who has successfully served as a Section President, Vice- President or served on the IVS Board is eligible to run for IVS President.
c) Vice-President, Secretary: Any person who has successfully served as an officer or executive board member of a section or has served on the IVS Board or has served as an International Viola Congress host.
d) Treasurer: Any person who has successfully served as an officer or executive board member of a section, has served on the IVS Board, has served as an International Viola Congress host, or has a proven record of financial management skills.
e) Executive Secretariat and those appointed according to specific agreements: The persons appointed to these positions should possess a unique blend of love of the viola, organizational ability, ability to communicate in English, and diplomacy to fulfill their duties. They will be selected not only on basis of their professional training, but also their ability to work successfully with the elected IVS Board members.
f) Officers may be elected to a second consecutive term to succeed themselves for the same office. If the President is re-elected for a second term, the Past President will also serve a second consecutive term. No elected officer may be nominated or elected for a third consecutive term for the same office unless no other nominations for that office have been received.
4. Duties of the IVS Board
The duties of the IVS Board derive from the statement of Purposes that introduce these BYLAWS. The Sections have primary responsibility for their fulfillment excepting of those that are international in nature or function.
5. Duties of the Officers of the IVS Board
The President
1. The President shall perform all duties incidental to his/her office and such other duties as may be delegated by the Assembly of Delegates.
2. Except where otherwise directed by the BYLAWS of Assembly of Delegates, s/he shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Society.
3. Shall preside at all meetings.
4. Has the right—and if requested by two or more members, the duty—to call a meeting of the IVS Board.
5. Shall be responsible for maintaining relationships between the IVS Board Officers, the section Presidents, and affiliated societies.
6. Shall initiate new programs and oversee the well-being of the Society.
7. Shall, in decisions based on a majority vote, decide a tie, except in elections of officers.
8. Shall, together with the Treasurer, approve amounts in writing that exceed €200 or the equivalent in another currency.
9. If possible, shall review the reports of the Executive Secretary before they are submitted to the IVS Board, the Assembly of Delegates, the section Presidents, and editors of the section newsletters and Journals.
10. Shall issue a call for nominations for the awards of the Society to members of the IVS Board.
11. Shall appoint another person to serve as the Director of Elections if the Secretary has been nominated for the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, .
The Vice-President
1. The Vice-President, during the absence, incapacity, or disability of the President, shall exercise all the functions of the President and, when so acting, shall have the powers of the President and be subject to all the duties of and restrictions upon the President.
2. In the event that the Office of the President becomes vacant before the conclusion of the elected term, the Vice-President shall succeed to that office.
3. The Vice-President shall also have other powers and discharge other such duties as assigned that office by the President and/or Assembly of Delegates.
The Past President
1. The Past President shall serve as the primary advisor to the IVS Board, providing insights and suggestions based upon precedent and experience within the context of the Society’s organizational history, ensuring a source of continuity from one elected board of officers to the next.
2. If a Past President cannot serve in this capacity, the IVS Board will first consider an officer from the previous IVS Board to fill this position before appointing a successor. The person appointed will be known as the Acting Past President.
The Secretary
1. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meeting and distribute them to any IVS Board members absent and national section presidents.
2. Shall keep the minutes of the meeting of the Assembly of Delegates and IVS Board and maintain membership records.
3. Shall attend to such correspondence as may be assigned, to perform all other duties incidental to the office.
4. Shall attend to the giving and serving of notices on behalf of the Society.
5. Shall keep books, records, and papers of the Society.
6. Shall be responsible for mailing notices of IVS Board elections and the official ballots in accordance with the Election Guidelines and Procedures as posted on the IVS website, approved by the Assembly of Delegates.
The Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all the funds and securities of the Society and shall deposit funds in the name of the Society in a bank or trust company selected by the IVS Board.
2. Shall sign all cheques, drafts, notes, and orders for payment of money, and shall pay out and dispose of funds, receipts, and disbursements which shall be posted in the books of the Society.
3. Shall, with the President, be required to approve amounts in writing that exceed €200 or the equivalent in another currency.
4. Shall prepare the annual budget of the Society for approval by the IVS Board and Assembly of Delegates, dispose of funds as provided by the budget, or as authorized by the IVS Board.
The Executive Secretariat
The offices of Executive Secretariat can be appointed by the Society President. The Executive Secretariat shall facilitate the policies of the IVS at the international level. Their primary purpose is the founding and nurturing of new sections.
6. Ranking of Officers
The following rank of succession is established for the officers as far carrying out duties and fulfilling mandated obligations:
Executive Secretariat #1
Executive Secretariat #2
Representatives according to specific agreements (Acting as an Executive Secretary)
Members appointed for specific tasks
Executive Secretariat rank is based on years of service to the IVS Board; the one with the most will be Executive Secretariat #1. Should there be a tie in the number of years served, then the President shall designate the ranking of the Executive Secretariats. No more than 2 representatives per section are allowed.
If elected or appointed, all officers agree to abide to ethical business practices, and failure to do so will result in refusal and/ or termination of their representation on the board.
The Auditors
An independent audit of the IVS will be carried out at the close of each IVS Board and before the onset of the new, i.e., every three years, to review the Society’s books. The audit can be concluded by a former IVS treasurer, former IVS board member, or any third party with knowledge of accounting practices. The audit will be made publicly available on the IVS website.
A. Membership
Member Societies are independent organizations or corporations representing the vision, purpose, mission, and values of the Society. Only organizations can be members of the IVS, these normally being groups of violists who have organized themselves in pursuit of the aims of the Society on behalf of their membership. A single individual is a member of a section organization, not the IVS. The IVS also administers the Virtual Section which is for violists who live in countries that do not have a national Viola society. This might be because they are unable to form a society because of the current political/regulatory situation, or they have not succeeded in forming a society. The Virtual Section exists in order to welcome these violists to our viola family and allow them to be associated with the IVS. The activities of the sections must not be in contradiction with the activity of the society. As far as the regulation of their internal affairs is concerned, however, the sections shall be independent of the society.
1. Admission to Membership
a) The President of a newly organized or existing body of viola enthusiasts should request a membership or association (here stated as “membership”) by sending a letter to the IVS secretary.
b) Only one section per country will be accepted.
c) The IVS Board will examine all requests for Society membership thoroughly before making a recommendation to the Assembly of Delegates for final approval based on the determination that potential Sections are in full compliance with the following requirements:
1. A group of (minimum seven) viola enthusiasts who intend to work together for the good of the viola and following the principles of the IVS.
2. A basic or provisional written constitution.
3. A body of constitutionally elected or appointed officers to include President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. While this list of officers is recommended, latitude will be extended the member sections in combining office functions (i.e. Secretary-Treasurer), adding, or otherwise modifying office structure or titles in accordance with their own needs.
4. A statement signed by the section President or organization representative acknowledging and accepting the aim of the IVS.
5. Each section of the IVS needs to pay a yearly membership rate, which is 7% of the dues the section has collected that year. However, for each section there are minimum membership rates depending on the country’s wealth according to HDR (Human Development Reports index ranking), as described below:
• Category 1 (a minimum of €100): Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Iceland, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Canada, New Zealand, UK, USA, Spain, France, Italy.
• Category 2 (a minimum of €50): Poland, Portugal
• Category 3 (a minimum of €30): Turkey, Thailand, Brazil, South Africa, China, Nigeria.
6. Membership or an association with IVS can be also acknowledged by an annual sponsorship or donation to an IVS supported activity, subject to an agreement between the donating section and IVS, and according to the size and status in the HDR.
7. Termination of Membership—IVS Membership is terminated at such time as a section:
a) Disbands or otherwise ceases to exist.
b) Cancels it membership in writing three months before the end of a calendar year.
c) Is excluded for important reasons, i.e. its reputation impairs the reputation of the IVS or it fails to pay membership fees without good cause for one year.
B. Rights and Duties of Sections
Rights—All sections with IVS membership are entitled to:
a) Be eligible to IVS established financial support if hosting a congress.
b) Send representatives to the annual Assembly of Delegates where they have the right to vote according to the voting structure in paragraph IIA2a
c) To participate in the Society’s decision-making processes according to the voting structure in paragraph IIA2a.
d) To full IVS support and use of its institutions, i.e. the Primrose International Viola Archive (PIVA).
e) One (1) free congress pass for the section President or his/ her representative in congress years.Duties—IVS membership carries certain responsibilities on the part of its sections. These include:
a) Furthering the purposes of the IVS to the best of their ability.
b) Adhering closely to the Society’s bylaws.
c) Ensuring representation at scheduled and called meetings of the Assembly of Delegates to submit topics of concern for the agenda, to study the agenda carefully, and to be prepared for discussion.
d) Implementing the decisions of the Assembly of Delegates.
e) For sections hosting a congress, please follow the current congress guidelines.
f) Support of their own section President or representative to attend congresses and meetings if possible.
C. The International Viola Society Archive
The Primrose International Viola Archive (PIVA), housed in the Harold B. Lee Library of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, is the official archive of the International Viola Society and repository of IVS records.
The Society will present four awards on its behalf, all designating outstanding contributions to the viola and/or the Society. These shall be the Silver Viola Clef, the Golden Viola Clef, Honorary Membership in the Society, and plaques or other suitable media. Nominations will be considered from any person affiliated with the IVS through one of its sections.
1. The Silver Viola Clef will be awarded on an annual basis, one award per year, for outstanding contribution to the viola and/or the Society. Recipients will be selected by the IVS Board and require its two-thirds majority vote. The IVS Board may elect not to make an award for a given election cycle. (For example, the Silver Clef was not awarded in 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, and 2000 and those years will never be awarded. In 2004 it was awarded for 2003 and 2004.)
2. The Golden Viola Clef may be awarded under very special circumstances to servants of the viola without peer for exceptionally distinguished and unique contributions to the viola. Recipients will be selected by the IVS Board and ratified by the Assembly of Delegates, requiring a three-quarters majority vote from each body.
3. Honorary Membership, likewise an award of extremely high distinction, will be given to servants of the viola for careers that exponentially furthered the purposes of the Society. Recipients will be selected by the IVS Board and ratified by the Assembly of Delegates, requiring a three-quarters majority vote from each body.
4. Plaques, crystal or other suitable media, may be presented at the discretion of the IVS Board to acknowledge distinctive achievements in viola performance, scholarship, teaching, instrument building, or service to the Society or to any of its member sections. Recipients will be selected by the IVS Board and require its two-thirds majority vote.
Only an extraordinary session of the Assembly of Delegates, called especially for this purpose, can act on the dissolution of the International Viola Society. Dissolution of the Society will occur only if two thirds of the delegates present vote in its favor. Furthermore, the Assembly of Delegates will determine the distribution of Society assets to appropriate non-profit organizations. This clause may not be altered while the account is held in The Netherlands.